
What are the top benefits of tinting my home, business, or car windows?

There are numerous benefits to tinting building and car windows but the most important benefits are: regulating interior temperatures, preventing eye strain, minimizing fading, blocking UV radiation, and increasing privacy.

Does tinting car windows increase my car’s value?

Tinted windows usually give your car a slight resale boost, though some buyers can be scared away by windows that are darkly tinted. Modifying your vehicle greatly from its original production tends to diminish the pool of potential buyers.

How long does it typically take to tint my car?

The time it takes to tint a car window is dependent on the experience of the person doing the tinting! At BLACKOUTINT mobile one tinter can get the job done in an 2 hours. An experienced two-man installation crew can usually tint a 4 door car in less than an hour. We’re proud to say this is much shorter than the 4 hours it takes an average tinter to complete a 4-door car.

How long is the warranty on window tint?

Geoshield window film has a lifetime warranty on automotive and residential applications. Commercial jobs have a 10 year warranty.

What cleaners do you recommend for tinted windows?

With tinted windows, it’s important that your window cleaner is ammonia-free! A few good options are Invisible Glass, and Meguiar’s Glass Cleaner.

I always hear the benefits of tinting my windows - are there any concerns with tinting car or building windows?

There are a few concerns to keep in mind:

  1. Most states have laws concerning how dark your car’s window tint can be. If you don’t check the laws out you may get pulled over for breaking the law.

  2. Window tint that is installed incorrectly can crack, bubble, and peel.

  3. Window tinting that is too dark can limit visibility in certain situations.

Does window film or tinting provide evening privacy when interior lights are on?

No, window tint does not provide privacy at night. If you’re truly interested in full, nighttime privacy, without the use of shades or window coverings, a one-way mirror film with night vision is your only option. (this is not an option for cars, but is available for homes).

Does the window film go on the outside or inside of the glass?

The material is made to go on the inside due to the fact that the elements of weather would cause it to degrade.

Does auto window tint help save money on gas mileage?

Window tint itself doesn’t increase gas mileage – but it helps control the climate in your car. When you run your air conditioner less you can see your miles per gallon improve. This is especially true for electric cars like Teslas that depend on less AC being used to help preserve battery life and extend mileage.

What is the darkest legal tint for my vehicle?

Every state has different laws regarding tint darkness and reflection. If you are crossing state lines and get pulled over for window tint that was legal in your state but NOT in the state you are currently in, you will normally only get a warning. Visit tinting-laws.com (https://www.tinting-laws.com/) to discover the window tinting laws in your state.

Does darker film block more heat?

With older films, you will find higher heat rejection does come with darker shades of window film. However, new technology allows window tint to block large amounts of heat without being dark. In short, the quality of window tint matters as much as the shade of window tint.

What type of light gap is acceptable when you roll down your windows in the car?

There should be a 1/16th” gap at the absolute max – though it should be tighter than that. At Sun Stoppers our professional installers do zero light gap, even on frameless doors.

Does darker window tint cost more than lighter window tint?

Some shops charge more for darker film, but the film manufacturers themselves do not. That means that you shouldn’t be paying more money for a darker tint! At BLACKOUTINT mobile our dark tints are no more expensive than our light tints